
  • Office cum Lab Building/Administrative Building:
    The KVK has very well developed administrative building having faculty rooms, multipurpose hall, home science laboratory, information hub and library.
  • Farm:
    The KVK possesses 43 acres of land. The main purpose of the farm is to produce quality certified/TL seed of different crops of the region like Wheat, Gram, Berseem, Rice/Basmati etc. This farm plays an importance role in supplying quality seed to the farmers of the entire district through KVK seed counter and Kisan Melas. In addition, field demonstrations of latest agro-techniques are being conducted. The farm has well irrigated facilitates by two submersible tubewells and underground pipes.
  • Integrated Farming System (IFS) Unit:
    The IFS unit under which goatry unit, poultry unit (layer) and poultry unit (broilser) has been established at this KVK.
  • Information Hub (ERNET LAB):
    This well furnished hub is equipped with one server, seven desktop computers, printers, scanner and air conditioner with internet/intranet connectivity.
  • Soil and water testing Laboratory:
    The laboratory is well equipped with latest equipments for analysis of soil & water samples. The soil samples can be analyzed for pH, EC, OC, available phosphorus & available potassium, exchangeable sodium, calcium & magnesium content for fertilizer recommendation, kallar reclamation and orchard plantation. Water samples are tested for RSC, electrical conductivity etc. to check its suitability for irrigation.
  • Agri. Engineering unit/workshop:
    Various farm implements/models/machines like paddy transplanter, PAU Happy seeder, Chisler, zero till drill, model diesel engine, model tractor, groundnut decoater etc. are available for demonstration and training.
  • Bee-keeping Unit:
    The unit has eight bee hives and other related equipments for conducting practical during the training courses.
  • Mushroom unit:
    The unit is used for demonstrating all the steps in mushroom cultivation.
  • Polyhouse:
    It is used for demonstrating on cultivation of vegetables and plant nursery under polyhouse.
  • Solar Operated Drip irrigation unit:
    Solar operated drip irrigation system in various crops has been installed for water saving and demonstration purpose to the farmers.
  • Nutrition Garden Unit:
    It is scientifically laid out integrated unit of vegetables, fruits and pulses on three kanal area which demonstrates the planned cultivation of these crops throughout the year.
  • Multipurpose Hall:
    This hall serves as training hall, exhibition hall and committee room. It is well furnished and equipped with audio-visual aids like Projector, Computer, Mic with Speakers etc. for conducting on campus trainings.
  • Library/Book sale:
    The library has wide collection of books/journals/CDs on different subjects related to agriculture, fisheries and animal husbandry. All these books/CDs are available to farmers, free of cost for reference. Various publications of PAU are available for purchase by the farmers at university fixed prices.
  • Home Science laboratory:
    The lab is well equipped with materials/equipments for providing training in value addition of farm based products, home crafts etc.
  • Automatic weather station:
    Various sensor/instruments have been installed for recording weather parameters like minimum and maximum air temperature, air pressure, soil temperature, soil moisture, wind speed, wind direction, solar radiations, rainfall, relative humidity etc.
  • Seed Counter:
    Seed of latest varieties of different crops like Wheat, Gram, Berseem, Rice/Basmati etc. produced at the KVK farm or at other university seed farms, is sold throughout the year at KVK.
  • Vehicles:
    KVK owns one bolero and one scooter for field visits and other field activities.
Maintained By: Sh. Amit Kumar Nag, Programme Assistant (Computer), KVK Langroya (S.B.S Nagar)